Source code for zoviz.visualization

""" Visualization functions specialized for Zotero data  """

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

[docs]def draw_multigraph(g: nx.MultiGraph, pos: dict, radius_mult=0.1, directed=False, **kwargs) -> plt.Axes: """A way to draw multiple edges per node pair :param g: A multigraph, probably returned by zoviz.DB.build_creator_graph() :type g: nx.MultiGraph :param pos: networkx layout :type pos: dict :param directed: Draw arrows?, defaults to False :type directed: bool, optional :return: return axis handle :rtype: plt.Axes """ ax = plt.gca() # Draw nodes & labels nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos, **kwargs) if kwargs.get("with_labels", False): nx.draw_networkx_labels(g, pos, **kwargs) # Draw edges w/ different arc radius for each duplicate arrowstyle = "->" if directed else "-" for e in g.edges: startpos = pos[e[0]] endpos = pos[e[1]] edge_index = e[2] # I am the Nth edge between these nodes radius = radius_mult * float(edge_index) connectionstyle = "arc3,rad=%f" % radius arrowprops = {"arrowstyle": arrowstyle, "connectionstyle": connectionstyle, "color": kwargs.get("edge_color", 'k'), "alpha": kwargs.get("edge_alpha", 0.3), "linewidth": kwargs.get("edge_linewidth", 1.)} ax.annotate("", xy=startpos, xytext=endpos, xycoords="data", arrowprops=arrowprops, zorder=-1) return ax
[docs]def draw_community_graph(g: nx.MultiGraph, fig=None, **kwargs) -> plt.Figure: """A quick, deterministic embedding for the creator graph :param collection: Zotero Collection name :type collection: str :return: figure handle :rtype: plt.Figure """ fig = fig or plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=120.) node_degrees = [ for n in g.nodes] cmap = sns.cubehelix_palette(start=0, rot=3., dark=0.6, as_cmap=True, reverse=True) colors = cmap([float(x) / max(node_degrees) for x in node_degrees]) counts = [float(x.count) for x in g.nodes] max_count = max(counts) sizes_normed = [x * 5e3 / max_count for x in counts] layout = nx.spring_layout(g, pos=nx.circular_layout(g), k=len(g.nodes) / 16., iterations=50) kwargs["alpha"] = kwargs.get("alpha", 0.9) kwargs["font_size"] = kwargs.get("font_size", 6) kwargs["with_labels"] = kwargs.get("with_labels", True) draw_multigraph(g, pos=layout, node_color=colors, node_size=sizes_normed, **kwargs) return fig, layout